Walnut Grove Cemetery

Physical address: 700 Walnut Grove Rd

Mailing address: 1464 Welcome Home Rd
Hector, AR 72843


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Please feel free to come to the cemetery anytime you desire (adding new flowers and have peace time with your family.) However we ask you to maintain the suggested 6 ft social distancing. If you have a cough of any kind please wear a face covering.

Any contributions to the General Cemetery Fund or Long Term Care Fund should be mailed to Janice Mitchell, 1464 Welcome Home Rd, Hector, AR 72843

And please pray for our health care workers and other required workers that are helping to keep America safe with reasonable food supplies and other important supplies.


360 view of Walnut Grove - use mouse to move right, left, up or down - Close YouTube tab to return to here

Drone Flyover of Walnut Grove - Close YouTube tab to return to here

Recent Burials at Walnut Grove

Recent Decoration Programs

Past Donation Charts

New Sign at South end of Walnut Grove Cemetery

Memory Bridge and sample of our Memory Plaque

Walnut Grove Community School and Cemetery

Walnut Grove Board Members

Walnut Grove Guide Lines

Map and Directions to Walnut Grove Cemetery

Annual Letters

Plaque mounted at the foot of the Cross

Near Hector, Arkansas - Founded 1898

From Hector, Pine Street the road to Appleton runs due east through rolling pastures. Located 1.9 mile from Hector, Walnut Grove Road runs straight
north toward Oak Mountain.  As that road descends into the valley of Dare Creek, a cemetery spreads out on the last rise before the creek.
A shed framed with cedar poles stands at the western end of the cemetery and a pair of stone pillars is arched with a sign that reads “Walnut Grove”.

Cover photo of our cemetery as displayed on
Arkansas Gravestone Project

Last changed: Febuary 10,2022